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By: mario On: 19:03
  • Let's Get Social
  • Just when I think Twitter is a roiling mass of wasted time and energy, I get a link or two that make me reconsider. One of these, spotted by @landmatters is for a site that obviously has been under my radar called Terragrams - an ongoing podcast series for landscape architecture hosted by landscape architect Craig Verzone.

    From their site: "Terragrams is a podcast series disseminating discussions about the landscape. As our societal conscience and appreciation of the landscape heightens, Terragrams provides a wide portal into landscape architecture and the lives and thoughts of the professionals who shape it. The project aims at capturing, distributing and archiving these voices. It is an easily accessible, open audio digital archive aimed at collecting first-hand, face-to-face conversations between and about people in and around the field."

    The cast of characters featured is a veritable who's who of landscape architecture - captured in audio for your listening pleasure. Highlights (for me at least) include
    Julie Bargmann, James Corner, Elizabeth Meyer, Richard Forman, Chris Reed , Liat Margolis, and the latest iteration by Ken Smith . Good stuff, and more good interviews to come.


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