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Designing the interior is good and right to realize the vision of design and environmentally friendly.

By: mario On: 03:50
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    How environmentally friendly house that? home basically apply the concept of environmentally friendly energy efficient homes. Many natural and utilize natural lighting. Design houses so as not to completely rely on air-conditioning and lighting.

    Basically the nature around us have the potential for use in the design of our houses, such as natural air cool, and the sun all day throughout the year. In the use of sunlight, which is needed is "light" whereas his "hot" was avoided. One way is to use the east / west / or north / south. Windows should be canopied with that direct exposure to sunlight can be minimized.

    The factors that support a house become eco-friendly homes include:
    1. Lightweight steel roof truss
    Use of this mild steel in response to the depletion of our forest timber. Mild steel is more effective in roof applications. The work is more efficient in time, and more precise because the factory-made.
    2. sills, shutters, doors use aluminum / PVC / UPVC
    3. Ceiling using the framework of gypsum and iron holow
    4. High roof, it is useful for air circulation inside the house.
    5. wide
    6. Many openings
    7. High ceiling
    8. The canopy of each window
    9. Building area should be no more than 60% of land area
    Comparison between the land area of green building is ideally 60-40. Which parks function not only beautify the appearance of the house, but also as a rain water catchment areas. In order for the park can easily absorb the rain water, do not only with plants, but also gives the pores pierce the ground in a way. In addition to the absorption, the park also serves as a filter noise and dust. Of course the house will be healthier if minimal dust.

    A study says, if the plants on the roof has about 10 cm high, it can reduce air conditioning usage of about 25 percent. A room located directly below the green roof has a lower temperature, which is about 3 degrees to 4 degrees Celsius compared with the air temperature outside the room.

    Green roof and green wall also functions as an air filter that makes the air cleaner. For information, every single square meter of grass on the roof can remove approximately 0.2 kg of dirty air particles each year

    Utilization of alternative energy
    To save electricity, we can use energy efficient lighting, air-conditioning to maintain temperatures at 25 ยบ C, open the curtains if possible so that the light, and turn off electronics when not needed (not a stand-by position).

    Residents invited to take advantage of alternative energy in meeting the electricity needs of a cheap and practical, and supported the development of solar energy technologies, wind, or for building a house / building.

    Building scale and proportion of open space should be watched basic building coefficient and a green base coefficient (KDH), which ranges from 40-70 percent versus the 30-60 percent up to the green room to breathe and absorb water. Whole or part of the roof of the building restored as green space instead of used masses of land in the bottom of the building. Roofs of the building developed into a park roof (roof garden) and wall crawl with vines (green wall) so that outside air temperature and in the fall, reduced pollution, and increasing green space.

    Building should begin to reduce water consumption (reduce), water reuse for various purposes as well (reuse), recycling waste water (recycle), and groundwater recharge (recharge) the water absorption wells (1 x 1 x 2 meters) and / or hole absorption Biopic (10 centimeters x 1 meter).

    All waste water is inserted into the well water absorption with conventional treatment so as not to be too dependent on the existing environmental systems. How to use water-saving faucets are closed when not needed, do not let the tap drip water, saving water when washing hands and washing glasses / plates, to select dual flush toilets, always finish the water you drink.


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