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~ Fall Nesting ~

By: mario On: 10:06
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  • Hi friends! It's Fall decorating time here at my little cottage. I thought I'd give you a small tour of a favorite fall day of mine, the kind where you do a little decorating, a little cooking and just nesting in general. Fall is definitely my favorite season for sure! The crisp days, the warm cozy nights, football, making stews, baking, every part of it I just adore! I hope your fall is a super cozy one too! I basically use only natural elements for decorating , Fresh picked apples, Montauk daisies, deep Merlot colored Sedum and hand picked pumpkins are strewn through out my house... I like to make little vignettes with them all :) The one above and below sits on a table I have in the Family room...Grab some hot chocolate or whatever your fancy and come along , I even lit the candles for you :)

    I love decorating high and low, table tops, counters, floors, and a special pumpkin right by the fire place too! I also incorporated some dried hydrangeas left over from summer. And added quilts any where I could so they are just ready to grab to curl up with...

    Sedum is one of my favorite fall flowers, that and mums also, but I haven't been able to find the right color Mums yet, I wanted white and red and they were sold out, so maybe next weekend I can plant them all outside and finish the front of the house :) So for now, Merlot colored sedum is every where inside :)

    I love the way is looks so organic up against the china and the sage candle too! I also spread a few more books through out the room, just perfect when I don't want to get out of the cozy blanket, I can just grab one and browse when I want without feeling the chill of getting up :) Or for when I'm lazy too :)

    " Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. " ~ George Eliot ~

    A little white pitcher of sedum by the sink, it just makes me smile :)

    Fall is my favorite time to cook! and my bright orange dutch oven is happy when I take her out every fall, she rewards me by taking care of my Stew just fine :) ....won't you have a bowl? :) To me, Cooking is part of my "fall decorating", I not only want the sights of fall, but ohhhhhh, the scents are what finish the whole package for me! Baked apples, stews, roasts, pies, fresh warm bread, I love it all!

    This past weekend I tried an Apple Crisp recipe from Susan Branch, if you click on the picture below, it'll get big enough for you to see the recipe and I highly recommend it!! It smelled heavenly baking and tasted just as fabulous too!

    And what apple crisp is complete without fresh vanilla ice cream? lol, not mine :)

    It was super easy to make and gobbled up quick by my 3 goblin's too!

    Speaking of recipes, I did a post a few back about my recipe box, and when my parents came to visit last week ( hence my absence from blog browsing ) My Mom gave me the best gift! she brought up her entire collection of recipe cards ( hundreds of them! ) and I picked out the ones I wanted to keep and added them to my collection, I was so happy! They are so pretty and sentimental to me, that I wanted to add them to my fall decor, I was putting them in the recipe box for safe keeping, But then I thought.... Hmm, maybe make color copies and create a collage out of some framed together ??

    After all the cooking and decorating, I couldn't forget about a fall table setting! I like to use a few French Country prints, some vintage linens and colorful plates and light more candles and then it feels autumnal to me and ready for big platters of my fall cooking!

    I used a little bit of red gingham ribbon, tied around the napkins and inserted my 2 favorite fall flowers into each napkin group, it's an inexpensive way to spruce up the table without spending any money. I've also tied on leaves in the past too, anything you can gather outside that gives it that fall touch is appreciated by all those stew eaters, lol...

    I hope you all enjoyed my little tour, I'm planning to have the rest of the house done after this weekend! Gotta get those Mums first :) I'll leave you with a seat at my table, I am thankful for you all, so you are all welcome here!!

    I hope Autumn is finding you all in a lovely place!

    Thank you so much for being such wonderful friends and for stopping in to visit! I read every comment and I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to know you and share with you , so from my home to yours:

    Happy Fall !!

    Love and Blessings!

    ~ Cynthia ~


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