It's been a busy summer here! I've had my Parents here for about a month and we've made such wonderful memories and spent great days together, the weather has been dreamy for sure! Thank goodness!. They will be leaving on Wednesday this week and so it's two more days of packing in some more time together and then off they go , back to Georgia. I will miss them dearly... I've missed all of you too and I'll be back in my routine in a week and finally be able to catch up in the blogging world and I look forward to it! I hope you are all enjoying a great summer!
My Mom and I have been doing some antiquing and the other day we came upon this hutch and you know how it is :) .... you see something and just have to have it! I already had a kitchen hutch that I loved, but I fell in love again :) As soon as I saw the doors on it and the details I squealed with delight , and my Mom agreed, It just had to come live in my kitchen. So now I have 2 great hutches and wanted to share the new "find" with you. Antiquing is a favorite past time of mine, but when you come upon that special something, it makes all the days of rummaging worth it. Sometimes you don't even think you need anything and then it's like it see's you and says "take me home", well that's what happened here... Now every day when I look at it, I will think of my Mom ... The hutch also gave me a chance to display all my favorite things, and another new find too, I just adore my new pie sign! Farmhouse Country Style has such wonderful country signs and her blog is adorable too! Thanks Dee!
The other hutch I have is an open shelf one, and while I adore it, it seems setting things behind leaded glass doors just adds such vintage charm!
Aren't the doors just stunning?
After I brought home my new find, I had to get on over to Home Goods :) I found this great tray there on clearance for $7.99, again, lol, I squealed with delight :)
Of course, the cherries did it for me right away and the blue too! :)
I gave it a home under my favorite rooster on the kitchen table, I plan on using it to serve things outside so I put it right where I can always grab it....
At first, The new hutch seemed silly, I already had one. But then a bit of rearranging and I knew it would work. I have to admit, lol, I wanted it so badly that even if it didn't work it here, I was determined to find somewhere it did. But I think somethings are just meant to be :)
My old one still has a nice place of honor in the kitchen and the added storage is so needed here! , and thanks to Elyse over at Cottage , the shutters made this hutch a favorite of mine too!
Like I said, I think the doors are what sold me first, but it also has the sweetest crystal knobs also!
Sometimes, it's just one new thing that a kitchen needs, big or small, and you can fall in love all over again...or a Mom who says: " You just have to have it Cynthia"... I think that's what really did it for me :)
I want to thank everyone for all your sweet comments! I know I said this in my last post, and yet haven't found time to get to visit yet, but I am getting around to it this week. Coffee in hand or wine if the evening fits it, I look soooo forward to reading and seeing what you've all been up to!!
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